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Why is activated carbon cartridge so widely used?

Why is activated carbon cartridge so widely used?

  • Categories:Company news
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  • Time of issue:2020-12-28
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(Summary description)Nowadays, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious and various diseases are breaking out, which has also triggered more and more people to pay attention to and think about water quality safety. Water purifier has become more and more people's heart love, a look at the water purifier market, you will find a water purifier on the market whenever it will not be eliminated, which is the activated carbon cartridge.

Why is activated carbon cartridge so widely used?

(Summary description)Nowadays, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious and various diseases are breaking out, which has also triggered more and more people to pay attention to and think about water quality safety. Water purifier has become more and more people's heart love, a look at the water purifier market, you will find a water purifier on the market whenever it will not be eliminated, which is the activated carbon cartridge.

  • Categories:Company news
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  • Time of issue:2020-12-28
  • Views:0

  Nowadays, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious and various diseases are breaking out, which has also triggered more and more people to pay attention to and think about water quality safety. Water purifier has become more and more people's heart love, a look at the water purifier market, you will find a water purifier on the market whenever it will not be eliminated, which is the activated carbon cartridge.

  No matter how advanced the water purification technology, how to update the product, but activated carbon has always had an irreplaceable position in the purification industry. Why is this? This is because activated carbon itself has a very good adsorption capacity. And activated carbon will not only not fall off after absorbing impurities, but also will not cause secondary pollution. But the general activated carbon has a disadvantage, there will be black water outflow after use. But the better activated carbon recognized by the water purification industry is the coconut shell activated carbon of Styrofoam, such activated carbon will not appear black water phenomenon even in the first use.

  Secondly, activated carbon can truly filter impurities in water 360 degrees without dead ends, granular activated carbon cartridge and activated carbon rod cartridge has the advantage of large surface area, can fully contact with the water flow, filter out impurities in the water, leaving no dead ends.

  Third, activated carbon is very and other filter media composite use, the effect will be better. Granular activated carbon cartridge single role, less than the composite use of other filter media, and activated carbon powder can be mixed with a variety of multi-functional filter media powder processed into a rod-shaped functional cartridge, targeted removal of a variety of pollutants in the water.

  The activated carbon cartridge in the water purifier plays a big role, we must not underestimate it! In addition, when replacing the cartridge, be sure to choose the regular water purifier brand cartridge for replacement, the filtration effect is guaranteed.


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