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What are the methods to identify the quality of activated carbon cartridge? Let's learn about it!

What are the methods to identify the quality of activated carbon cartridge? Let's learn about it!

  • Categories:Company news
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  • Time of issue:2020-12-28
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(Summary description)People who have contacted the water purifier know that the filter is like the "heart" of the water purifier, which is incredibly important, so the quality of the filter also means the quality of the water purifier. So it seems that when we choose to buy a water purifier, it is important to learn how to judge the quality of the cartridge. Next, let's learn how to determine the quality of the activated carbon cartridge?

What are the methods to identify the quality of activated carbon cartridge? Let's learn about it!

(Summary description)People who have contacted the water purifier know that the filter is like the "heart" of the water purifier, which is incredibly important, so the quality of the filter also means the quality of the water purifier. So it seems that when we choose to buy a water purifier, it is important to learn how to judge the quality of the cartridge. Next, let's learn how to determine the quality of the activated carbon cartridge?

  • Categories:Company news
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-12-28
  • Views:0

  People who have contacted the water purifier know that the filter is like the "heart" of the water purifier, which is incredibly important, so the quality of the filter also means the quality of the water purifier. So it seems that when we choose to buy a water purifier, it is important to learn how to judge the quality of the cartridge. Next, let's learn how to determine the quality of the activated carbon cartridge?

  So before identifying the quality of the activated carbon cartridge, we first come together to briefly understand the activated carbon cartridge.

  Activated carbon cartridge, as soon as you hear it, you know that its raw materials are activated carbon, raw materials are mostly senior coconut shell activated carbon, supplemented by food-grade paste, together with the synthesis. It is in the home water purifier, generally the second stage cartridge. Because the pores of activated carbon cartridge

  is very rich and fine, so it will use the strong adsorption capacity to adsorb different particles, which can adsorb the odor, color and organic pollution in the water source.

  So how do we identify the quality of the activated carbon cartridge? There are three methods: observation of weight, observation of indicators and use of combustion, which are explained below.


  1、Observation of weight

  When we introduced the activated carbon cartridge above, we said that the activated carbon cartridge has well-developed pores and strong adsorption capacity, so if the activated carbon cartridge has more pores and a more complex structure, it shows that the adsorption capacity of this activated carbon cartridge is stronger and the quality is better. But this kind of we can't discern with the naked eye, so we can use the observation weight to identify the quality. Generally speaking, if there are more pores, the weight will be lighter, so the weight of advanced activated carbon cartridge will be lighter, and then we can use this method to identify it.


  2、Observation indicators

  So, what is the observation index? The three indicators are iodine adsorption value, carbon tetrachloride adsorption value and methylene blue adsorption value. If these three indicators are high, it means that the adsorption capacity of the activated carbon cartridge is very strong and the quality is very good.


  3、Use combustion

  This requires destroying the cartridge, taking out part of the activated carbon inside, burning it with fire, and then taking it aside to observe whether the activated carbon is black ash or white ash left in the end after being burned. If it is black ash, it is really activated carbon, but if it is white ash, but also very hot red, then it is charcoal, the adsorption capacity of charcoal is much worse than activated carbon.

  However, the activated carbon cartridge is not installed once and for all, about six to eight months, the activated carbon cartridge will complete its mission "end of life", so remember to be replaced regularly.


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